You can find the 2021 posts here, and the current ones here.
From December 19 to January 6, our office will be closed for the vacations.
Now it is time for our winter break, during which we want to recharge our batteries as much as possible for 2023 and take care of various preparatory work – this is the only way we can stay on top of our topics as well as possible.
During this time we can't take calls or give legal advice. We will try to answer e-mail inquiries - but more complex ones will not be answered until January 9.
As of January 9, the office will be available again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon). On January 27th we will have our general meeting.
We wish you all nice winter days and a happy new year!
This week our members have received the current number 96 of our magazine Legalize it! The winter issue contains three main topics: the pilot projects, the prosecution of hemp seeds and an article on vaporize vs. smoking. We will make the complete magazine available as a PDF in March.
Become a member so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) – you thus enable our activities and support the association Legalize it!
We made another issue of our magazine Legalize it! available as PDF.
Issue 95 can now be downloaded both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of politics, justice, culture and scene. The current issue (#96) is still reserved for our members.
Another report in a long series: The Federal Commission on Addiction and Prevention of noncommunicable Diseases, like its predecessor commissions, has published a report on the handling of cannabis. In it, it lists experiences from states in the U.S., as well as Canada and Uruguay, in implementing legalizations. It proposes a restrictive, controlled path for Switzerland. So if you want to know what questions you need to be able to answer if you want to legalize, you should work your way through the 40 or so pages.
The texts can be found on this page (no english version available, except for the report „lessons learned“): Overview Info EKSN See under the titles media releases, statements and especially reports („lessons learned“).
Already at the end of October, the team of SRF Impact had released a contribution, which has the smoking of pot and the cannabis legalization in Switzerland as a topic. Our active member Nino also had his say: Full report on youtube [Swiss-German] Nino's part
From October 3 to 28, the office will be in vacation mode. During this time we are only available by phone on Thursdays and Fridays, each afternoon. Outside of these times, we are best reached by email.
From October 31, the office will be available again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon).
We wish you all beautiful autumn days!
The discussions about legalization and regulation of the cannabis market are interesting and important. But we would like to point out once again: These are discussions. In force is the same sharp narcotics law as it has been for years. Police forces and public prosecutor's offices also apply it! We have again put some examples of repression online. Here you can find the first summary penalty orders and documents from 2022 we received. More will follow… If you or someone you know has received such documents, we are always interested in receiving a copy.
These days our members have received the latest number 95 of our magazine Legalize it! The fall number contains a mix of topics: Politics, pilot projects, medical hemp, prosecution figures and an interview with a darknet cannabis buyer. We will make the full magazine available as a PDF in December.
Become a member so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - you thus enable our activities and support the association. Legalize it!
We have also pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! Issue 94 is now available for download, both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of politics, justice, culture and scene.
The current issue (#95) is still reserved for our members.
For the research project „Cannabis in everyday life“, we are looking for study participants who are willing to provide information about their consumption practices. Although the use of cannabis is widespread and relatively established in Switzerland, often only problematic use is studied. However, the researchers at the University of St.Gallen are not only interested in problems, but also in consumption integrated into everyday life.
To register for participation, a questionnaire should be filled out in advance at: On the basis of the completed questionnaires, persons will be determined who will then be invited to an oral interview.
The first cannabis pilot project in Switzerland starts in Basel-City!
On there are numerous details.
Residents in the canton of Basel-Stadt can register there now to be able to legally buy cannabis in 9 Basel pharmacies in the next 2.5 years.
More details about cannabis pilot projects can be found on our pilot project page, and our map of all Swiss pilot projects can be found at
From July 4 to August 5, the office will be in vacation mode. We are only available by phone on Thursdays and Fridays, in the afternoon, during this time. Outside of these times, we can best be reached by email.
As of August 8, the office will be available again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon).
We wish everyone a useful summer!
We already reported on this case on February 6 – now the decision has been made: The High Court does not accept Nino's complaint for formal legal reasons. The reason for this is that a test case is being sought and therefore there is no legally protected interest.
Or to put it another way: The accused had only handed over his cannabis to the cantonal police so that he could file a complaint afterwards…
So, unfortunately, this project is already finished - Nino has published his detailed analysis as a YouTube video. Fortunately – mainly due to the media presence in February – contact could be established with other persons whose cases are still pending or these defendants have now decided to file an appeal on their part. We will report on this again.
Our quiz runs until June 30, 2022, so non-members who want to participate have only ten days left! Everything else below, at the entry of 31 May 2022.
These days our members have received the current number 94 of our magazine Legalize it! The summer number contains a mix of topics: Politics (parliamentary initiative and medical hemp), pilot projects, prosecution figures 2021 and examples from legal advice. We will make the full magazine available as a PDF in September.
Become a member so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) – you thus enable our activities and support the association. Legalize it!
We have also pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! Issue 93 is now available for download as a whole as well as single articles in the sections politics and scene – the main part consists of the annual report 2021. The current issue (#94) is still reserved for our members.
For all not-yet-members: Whoever answers all three questions correctly will receive a free membership in our association Legalize it! for one year. A member of our association pays these memberships.
Question 1: Is THC consumption at home legal? Is it legal to use hash or weed in a private setting (i.e. in your own home)?
1 A: Yes, it is free to consume at home | 1 B: No, it is forbidden everywhere | 1 C: Only allowed for adults
Question 2: How many proscecutions? How many cannabis-related reports are issued by the police in Switzerland per year?
2 A: Hundreds | 2 B: Thousands | 2 C: Tens of thousands | 2 D: Hundreds of thousands
Question 3: How much hashish was seized? How much hashish was seized by police forces in Switzerland in 2021?
3 A: A few grams | 3 B: A few hundred grams | 3 C: A few kilos | 3 D: A few tons
Would you like to take part in the quiz? Send us until June 30, 2022 your three solutions and your address by mail to: We are curious to see how many know the correct answers!
Last week, after a two-year break due to the pandemic, the CannaTrade took place in Bern. Not only for us, but also for the visitors it was three interesting days!
We were able to talk to numerous interested people at our booth, answer questions, present our association and discuss about various aspects of hemp and its handling in Switzerland.
A big thank you goes to those members who actively helped and without whose commitment such a presentation would not have been possible. Thanks are also due to the CannaTrade team for a smooth running. The atmosphere was good and the rain came only on Sunday evening…
Next year the fair will take place again. It would be a pleasure for us to welcome you then at our booth. Legalize it!
On Friday, May 20, our office will not be staffed: We are at the CannaTrade in Bern. On Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 24 our office will be open in the afternoon. Then we will have a short vacation over Ascension Day and will be back in the office as usual from May 30.
Happy 420! Don't forget: From May 20 to 22 the legendary Swiss hemp fair CannaTrade will take place in Bern.
After the cancelled fairs of 2020 and 2021, we are looking forward to experience three days with you all under the sign of hemp.
We from the association Legalize it! will be present with a booth again this year. We would be happy if you visit us at booth no. 179. cu@#CT22!
We hope that the weather will cooperate and we are already looking forward to three unforgettable days!
From April 11 to 22 our office will be closed for vacation.
During this time, we will not be able to take calls or provide legal advice. We will try to answer e-mail inquiries - but more complex ones will not be answered until April 25.
As of April 25, the office will be open again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon). Our next members meeting will take place on May 6.
We wish you all nice spring days and a successful start into the new season!
„Regulation of the cannabis market for better youth and consumer protection“.
By 13 votes to 6 with 3 abstentions, the Commission for Social Security and Health decided to set up a sub-commission that will now tackle this work in concrete terms(media release).
However, there is no concrete time frame yet, and it is also not known what exactly the work of the sub-commission will be about. The next few months will bring more clarity. Nevertheless, on a political level, it is one of the most concrete attempts to make the handling of cannabis a bit more liberal.
For more information, see News → Parliamentary Initiative.
We are asked the question again and again: When will cannabis become legal in Switzerland? This question is usually only aimed at the time dimension (yes, it will still take some time).
But what exactly does „legal“ actually mean? As soon as cannabis is not completely forbidden, as soon as there is a permitted use, one can speak of „legal“. But what does this legal use look like in practice, and what areas does it cover? For example, are only farmers allowed to cultivate cannabis with a special permit, or are private individuals also allowed to do so? And are private individuals allowed to sell their harvest to friends? Or where is it allowed to consume? Only in private, or also in public?
There are many such questions of detail, and all can be regulated from liberal to restrictive. So before legalization can take place, society must agree on how to regulate the various issues.
On we present on some new pages first the bandwidths of the regulation possibilities as well as a concrete beautiful variant of legalization. We are happy to receive feedback.
Good news: The city of Zurich has given us the provisional permit – so our Cannabis Social Club will be one of 10 in the city 🎉
The next step is for the city's pilot project (including dispensaries, DIZ and social clubs) to be approved by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the Ethics Committee.
More general info can be found on our pilot project page.
If you are interested in joining our Cannabis Social Club, feel free to sign up on our waiting list!
Recently our members have received the current issue 93 of our magazine Legalize it! The spring edition contains - as it has for a long time - the annual report and financial statements of the past year. The complete magazine will be made available as a PDF from June.
Become a member, so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - you make our activities possible and support the association. Legalize it!
We have also pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! Issue 92 is now available for download, both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of politics, justice, culture and scene. The current issue (#93) is still reserved for our members.
This week it was announced that the legendary Swiss hemp fair CannaTrade will take place again this year.
Mark your calendars: From May 20 to 22 - after the cancelled fairs of 2020 and 2021 - we can finally experience three days in Bern under the sign of hemp again.
If you would like to support us from the association Legalize it! also at the fair, please contact us. cu@#CT22!
We hope that it really works out and are already looking forward to three unforgettable days!
Our association meeting already took place at the end of January. In one hour we did a lot: Last year's protocol and the annual report with the financial statements for 2021 were approved without dissenting votes (or abstentions) and the board was discharged.
In addition, the board was confirmed unchanged for another year (again without dissenting votes or abstentions).
We thank everyone for their support!
At its constituent meeting on February 4, the board then fixed the next dates in 2022: board meetings, member meetings, the spring vacations of the office and also special things, such as the hopefully again taking place fair «CannaTrade» (we will report).
Last week we focused mainly on finishing the latest issue of our magazine Legalize it!. It's now in print and should be available in early March.
Nino, a longtime association member, is challenging the seizure of a minor amount of cannabis for personal consumption: Article on
Furthermore, Nino has published a long video about it, in which he explains his action. We support this action and hope that this will lead to a change in practice and thus finally create more legal certainty.
Our own pilot project is limited to Zurich. Nevertheless, we always keep an eye on the situation in the whole of Switzerland. For our members and friends in the canton of Basel-Land we now have interesting news!
The Sanity Group is planning together with the Swiss Institute for Addiction and (ISGF) of the University of Zurich to conduct a cannabis pilot trial. For this purpose, they are looking for about 4,500 interested adults in the canton of Basel- Landschaft, to give them legal access to cannabis flowers and other products containing THC-containing products from Swiss organic production.
Until it actually starts, you can already register your interest here.
More details can be found in the full press release (PDF).
In order to develop a suitable questionnaire instrument for the forthcoming pilot trials or research into the «advantages and disadvantages of controlled access to cannabis», some Swiss universities are conducting an online survey on cannabis use on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).
Participation is possible until January 30, 2022. The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, participation is only possible in German.
You can find the 2021 posts here, and the current ones here.
Factsheet Association:
Board of Directors
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