You can find the 2020 posts here, and the current ones here.
The office will be in vacation mode from December 20 to January 16: it will be staffed on Thursdays and Fridays in the afternoon, otherwise we can be reached mainly by e-mail.
As of January 17, we will be available again as usual (Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri, afternoons).
We wish you all nice winter days!
Last week our members received the latest number 92 of our magazine Legalize it! in their mailbox. The winter number contains a mix of current topics: Policy Overview, our Cannabis Social Club Project, Statistics, Addiction and Popular Opinion. We will make the complete magazine available as a PDF in March.
Become a member, so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - you make our activities possible and support the club. Legalize it!
In several steps we have translated our wiki to French and English. Many thanks to Michael for the extensive programming this took! Now we need people to read through parts or the whole again and check for errors and suggest improvements. Maybe you can help with this over the dark winter months?
The quick link to the French part is:
The quick link to the English part is:
Also in 2021, we have advised many repression victims. Our collection of summary penalty orders and other documents on hemp prosecution in 2021 gives an impression of what happened: dealing with the penalty-free small amount, extremely different procedures at hemp seed prosecution as well as standard-summary penalty orders.
Current summary penalty orders and documents (2021)
Summary penalty order collection 1994 to 2021
We are still very interested in such documents!
Mark it in your calendar: From 20 to 22 May next year hopefully the legendary hemp fair CannaTrade can take place again.
In 2020 and 2021, the fairs unfortunately had to be canceled – for well-known reasons.
At least we could celebrate the 20th anniversary in Bern in summer.
In Bern, where the premiere was celebrated in 2001, the fair should take place again in 2022.
We hope that it will work out again next year and are already looking forward to three unforgettable days!
National Councilor Heinz Siegenthaler's parliamentary initiative has taken another step forward: The health commission of the Council of States follows its sister commission and also supports a legalization of cannabis. A draft decree will now be drafted within two years.
More details can be found in the Press release of the Cannabis Consensus association and on our page on the parliamentary initiative.
A good 80 members of the Legalize it! association residing in the city of Zurich have received an invitation from us to sign up on the waiting list for our planned Cannabis Social Club.
From autumn 2022, at least some of our members would be able to legally acquire and consume cannabis.
Those who reside in the city of Zurich and would like to join the waiting list are welcome to do so here. Even those who are not yet members of the association Legalize it! can sign up.
The office will be in vacation mode from October 4 to 31: it will be staffed on Thursdays and Fridays in the afternoon, otherwise we can be reached mainly by e-mail.
As of November 1, we will be available again as usual (Mon/Thurs/Thurs/Fri, afternoons).
We wish you all nice autumn days!
Today it became known how the planned pilot trial in the city of Zurich will proceed.
In a joint media release, the city, the Psychiatric University Hospital and the pharmacy network announced further information on how the effects of regulated cannabis sales will be researched in a three-and-a-half-year study starting in the fall of 2022.
See also article on and further info from the city of Zurich.
You can find more info on pilot trial with us.
Over the summer, we updated our legal aid brochure Shit happens and made some clarifications here and there. Now the 14th edition has been published and our members have received it via fall mailing.
The brochure is also available as a PDF in our wiki: Shit happens, Edition 14, Summer 2021. In addition, we have updated the THC&Law section of our wiki according to the changes in the brochure.
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! This is Issue 91now available for Issue 91 download both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of politics, justice and culture.
The winter issue (#92) of December will still be reserved for our members.
Become a member, so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - in this way you make our activities possible and support the association. Legalize it !
Thank you very much: Once again we were able to overcome a financial cliff. A big thank you to everyone who helped with the 2021 major gift collection! Now we can tackle the next quarters and projects. We are very happy about this and hope to be able to count on your continued support.
In August, we are bringing several posts up to date that we have revised in the course of producing the 14th edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens. We ask for your understanding that this cannot be done in one day. We should be able to make the adjustments by the end of August. The mailing of the new brochures is then planned for the beginning of September.
Our members received the membership mailing this week. In order to overcome the next financial cliff and build a foundation for the next months, we ask in it for large donations. Until the end of August we need to find at least 5'500 francs to continue. It's always a tight squeeze, but we hope we can overcome this hurdle as well!
Until August 6, the office is in break mode. During this time we are only available by phone on Fridays in the afternoon. Outside of these times, we are best reached by e-mail.
As of August 9, the office will be available again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon).
We wish everyone a useful summer!
As a reminder, this weekend marks the Festival 20th anniversary of the legendary Swiss hemp fair CannaTrade will take place in Bern.
The next 'real' fair will then hopefully be able to take place again next year…
But first we want to meet people and celebrate again this summer - unfortunately this came too short last year…
We from the association Legalize it! will be at our booth - come and say hello!
The Universities of Basel and Zurich are conducting an anonymous Online survey survey (duration approx. 3 min.) to find out the preferences of potential study participants. How much do people consume? How much money do they want to spend on THC products? Is hash or weed preferred? What about price expectations?
In order to have better information for the upcoming start of various projects in autumn, it would be good if as many people as possible would indicate their preferences and ideas by means of this survey - this way, the offer and prices could correspond to the customers' wishes as much as possible already at the beginning of the projects and would not have to be constantly adjusted at the beginning.
You can find more on pilot tests
In these days our members will have the current number 91 of our magazine Legalize it! in their mailbox. The summer number contains a mix of current topics: Policy Overview, Pilot Projects, Road Traffic and Legalization. We will make the complete magazine available as a PDF in September.
Become a member, so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - you make our activities possible and support the association. Legalize it !
We have also pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 90now available for Issue 90 download as a whole as well as single articles in the sections politics and scene - the main part consists of the Issue 90 annual report 2020. The current issue (#91) is still reserved for our members.
Unfortunately, the legendary Swiss hemp fair CannaTrade had to be postponed first from 2020 to 2021 and then finally to 2022 because of the pandemic.
However, this does not stop the organizers from celebrating the 20th anniversary this summer: From July 2 to 4, a Feast will be held at the BernExpo site - where the first trade fair was held 20 years ago.
We hope for good weather and many celebrants - maybe you'll drop by and we'll experience three unforgettable days! <strong>Legalize it!</strong>
At its meeting on April 28, the National Council's Commission for Social Security and Health(SGK-N) approved Heinz Siegenthaler 's parliamentary initiative(media release).
Now the business goes to the parliamentary commission and a years-long process begins - outcome uncertain.
You can find more information on Parliamentary Initiative
According to the meeting schedule (page 2), the National Council's Commission for Social Security and Health(SGK-N) is to deal with the parliamentary initiative (20.473) by Heinz Siegenthaler (Die Mitte) on Wednesday, April 28. This had already been submitted in September 2020.
You can find out more about this at Parliamentary Initiative
On May 15, 2021, the Ordinance on Pilot Trials under the Narcotics Act will come into force. This will allow pilot projects to be implemented in which participants can legally acquire cannabis and consume it in private. The whole thing is slowly taking shape, even if there is still a long way to go. Some things are still unclear, such as how biological evidence of existing use will be managed.
You can read more about this on pilot trials.
From March 29 to April 9, our office will be closed for vacation.
During this time, we will not be able to take calls or provide legal advice. We will try to answer e-mail inquiries - but more complex ones will not be answered until April 12.
As of April 12, the office will be open again as usual (Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri, preferably in the afternoon). Our next members' meeting will take place on April 23.
We wish you all nice spring days and a successful start into the new season!
Already on March 8, the Council of States unanimously followed the variant of the National Council in the debate on medicinal hemp(media release). Thus, the business is now ready for the final vote, which should pass without any problems.
You can read more about this on medical hemp.
In these days our members will have the current number 90 of our magazine Legalize it! in their mailbox. The spring number contains - as it has for a long time - the annual report and conclusion of the past year. We will make the complete magazine available as PDF from June.
Become a member, so that you are always up to date (e.g. also by e-mail) - you make our activities possible and support the association. Legalize it !
We have also pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 89now available for Issue 89 download, both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of politics, culture and the Issue 89 scene. Issue 89The current issue is still reserved for our members.
In the magazine Legalize it! No. 90, which our members will receive in their mailboxes these days, contains - as has long been the case in the spring issue - ours of Annual report and financial statementsthe past year.
We are happy to officially put 2020 behind us now. Many thanks to all who have supported us during this difficult year!
Amsterdam's mayor Femke Halsema has presented a proposal under which only residents of the Netherlands would receive a so-called “Wiet-Pas…
You can find more details in our statement.
On January 29 we held our 2021 association meeting. We approved the 2020 financial statements and elected the board for 2021: Sven Schendekehl, Markus Graf, Michael Stapelberg and Fabian Strodel will lead our association in 2021.
The detailed minutes with annual report and financial statements will follow in Legalize it! No. 90, which will be published at the beginning of March.
Our 2021 association meeting will be held on January 29. Only the most necessary people will be on site. Other members are welcome to register for online participation.
After the acceptance of the last year's protocol annual report and the presentation of the annual report, we will present the last year's protocol 2020financial report to last year's protocolthe assembly, followed by the last year's protocol board elections. We will conclude with a review of 30 years of association history and an outlook on our planned activities.
The official part usually lasts relatively short and there is then enough time to exchange ideas.
We would be happy if some more members would register for online participation. We are looking forward to being able to officially leave 2020 behind us as well…
Since 2021 hemp is no longer listed in the variety catalog and thus all hemp varieties that remain below 1% THC can be freely distributed. More information can be found at the Federal Office for Agriculture.
An interesting report from the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Basel on the subject of THC in the blood and driving ability/ability to drive. However, we would like to point out: This is a discussion paper and not yet implemented in current law!
Fact sheet THC limits (short version), report THC limits (45 pages).
You can find the 2020 posts here, and the current ones here.
Factsheet Association:
Board of Directors
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