Our legal overview Shit happens

Hemp, smoking pot, THC and the laws on cannabis prosecution

Since 1996, we have published our legal findings in print every one to five years. The focus has been primarily on cannabis use and its legal consequences.

We started with a small A6 brochure, followed by one in A4, and finally several editions in A5. In between we published editions of our A3 overview under this title, which presented at a glance the different problem areas of hemp repression. In 2023 we dared something new: a form between brochure and A3 – a folded sheet with 12 pages.

Because even the thickest brochure can not present all the information we have collected. New, the 15th edition gives a concise overview of all topics. With the links you can find the extensive info on our hanflegal.ch.

Who makes the Shit happens?

The editorial team has consisted of Fabian Strodel and Sven Schendekehl for two decades. In addition, many other members help with our work. The editorial team meets frequently to sift through new information. The legal situation is pretty much fixed, but we are continuously collecting new information on how the regulations are applied in specific cases. There is always more information coming in, which we then integrate again in a new edition or here on our hanflegal.ch.

If you have any questions or would like to send us information, please contact us:

By cell phone079 581 90 44
By emailMail to association Legalize it!
By letterLegalize it!, Quellenstrasse 25, 8005 Zurich

How can I support the work around Shit happens?

If you like what we write and do, you can support our work by making a donation, subscribing, or becoming a member.

New: Shit happens 15

Shit happens 15 (cover) – Click to enlarge Shit happens 15 (back) – Click to enlarge

Shit happens 14

Shit happens 14

Shit happens 13

Shit happens 13

A3 overview Shit happens 12

The Shit happens 12 provides a concise overview of the different levels of repression.

The third version from autumn 2021
The second version of the spring 2020
The first version of autumn 2019

The earlier printed editions Shit happens

We have distributed over 40,000 printed copies in the 14 editions since 1996. And the reactions show us that our legal aid brochure is still needed.

Shit happens, Edition 11 - Click to enlarge
Edition 11
Shit happens, Edition 10 - Click to enlarge
Edition 10
Shit happens, Edition 9 - Click to enlarge Shit happens, Edition 9 - Click to enlarge
Edition 9
Shit happens, edition 5 Shit happens, editions 6 to 8
Edition 5 Editions 6, 7 and 8
Shit happens, edition 3 Shit happens, edition 4
Edition 3 Edition 4
Shit happens, edition 1 Shit happens, edition 2
Edition 1 Edition 2
Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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Legal overview

Shit happens 15 (Summer 2023)

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