You can find the 2012 posts here, and the current ones here.
An eventful association year is coming to an end. The highlight was certainly the ninth edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens. Now comes the winter break, during which, as every year, a lot of things still have to be done.
During the period until January 24, there will be no Friday meetings and we will not be able to provide legal advice. We will check the combox from time to time, but are most likely to be reached by mail.
You can find our program in 2014 in the agenda, the next important date is the association meeting on January 31.
We wish you all restful winter days and a successful start into the new year!
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 63now available for Issue 63 download both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of justice, culture and scene. The current issue is still reserved for our members.
We had expected an article about the amendments to the NarcAwhich came into force on October 1. We assumed that our brochure, among other things, would be a small part of the article. Surprised we found out that it had become an article “only” about our Shit happens had become!
Well, joy and sorrow are sometimes close to each other… On the one hand, we are of course happy about the attention and the interest, but on the other hand, many were probably given a false image: to be able to “smoke pot free of punishment” with the right tips. This is not the case and ours Overviewshows that clearly. Overview
THC consumption is still punishable in Switzerland. There is a quasi-legal handling of cannabis, but as soon as consumption (over 1% THC, without a permit) takes place or is admitted, there is a punishment. The partially revised law contains new provisions that make general statements more difficult - so if you really want to know, you should read up on our wiki or Shit happens; and this of course best before an unpleasant situation occurs… because shit happens!
After an active summer with the production of the 9th edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens and the new structure in the wiki, we are now taking a three week break. During this time there will be no Friday meetings and we are most likely to be reached by mail, the combox will be tapped from time to time.
We will have some updating (fines in the different cantons) and cleaning up to do before we start the last part of the year on November 1st. You are welcome to support us - be it with a donation, a membership or your help.
Don't forget: Members can order additional copies of the new Shit happens for free!
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 62now available for Issue 62 download, both as a whole and as individual articles in the politics and scene sections.
The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues. Meanwhile, a lot of information can also be found in the THC&Law section.
Last Friday (the 13th
) we received the latest edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens and sent it to our members in the evening. It should be with the people by mid-week and can also be ordered online.
We are very happy about this, as it has been nine years since we had a brochure printed - the last two editions were printed by ourselves. But now that the Swiss cannabis policy is set for the next years, the time was ripe to have a professional brochure printed again.
We hope Shit happens (and the wiki) can broaden the awareness of THC users! And in so far that they don't get themselves even deeper into the mess, if it comes to a meeting with the police. Because: Shit happens… and that more often than you think.
This year we tried something new: To help fund the 9th edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens we launched a crowdfunding project. The goal of 4,000 francs was reached at the end of August, shortly before the brochure went to print. Now we are eagerly awaiting the finished copies to be sent to our members and supporters during September.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the many boosters and donors for their generous contributions. Also the helpers, who diligently corrected and checked, deserve heartfelt thanks - especially of course Sven, who as always did the main work (text, design and realization).
All of us have contributed to the fact that the new legal situation - with the fines and the (now defined) negligible amount - is presented and explained in a clear, understandable and well-linked brochure. Because we know: .Shit happens..
The Fixed Penalties Act will come into effect on October 1, 2013. Therefore, we are updating our legal aid brochure “Shit happens».
We have started work on the 9th edition, the time for copywriting and layout has been secured. Now we are looking for support for offset printing, so that we can make the info available to as many interested people as possible.
For this purpose we have started a crowdfunding project: There you will find more details about our project and you can easily support this work.
Please forward to your friends and acquaintances:
Together we can do it!
Now the big Legalize it! summer break. During this time we do not hold any Friday meetings and do not give any information by phone. But we are temporarily reachable by mail.
But we will certainly not remain idle: The production of the 9th edition of our legal aid brochure Shit happens will start and also otherwise there is always something to clean up besides the finances.
As of August 30, we will be available again as usual.
We wish everyone a wonderful summer time!
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 61now available for Issue 61 download both as a whole and as individual articles in the culture and scene sections.
The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues. Meanwhile, a lot of information can also be found in the THC&Law section.
We packed it on Friday and by midweek the hot-off-the-press Legalize it! No. 63 will arrive at our readers.
In this issue, in addition to the edito with agenda and the list of companies, you will find a report on the conference ”Cannabinoids in Medicine“ and a detailed account of THC repression over the last four years based on the new narcotics statistics.
On May 31, it became known that the Federal Council had already decided on May 10 to put the new partial revision of the Narcotics Law(Ordnungsbußvorlage), which was approved by parliament last fall, into force on October 1, 2013(
The referendum deadline had already expired in January and since then there had been radio silence. However, this was not due to the Federal Council or the Federal Bern, but to the fact that the cantons still had to coordinate the further procedure among themselves behind the scenes. Details on the current NarcA revision can be found in Legalize it! No. 62 on page 2.
We are taking a short break again. Although we will not be idle during this time, there will be no Friday meetings or legal consultations. The office is only sporadically occupied during this time and we are most likely to be reachable by mail.
From Friday, April 26th, we will then start a hopefully sunny part of the year with a members' meeting…
The Legalize it! No. 62 finally reached everyone this week (mail error). It contains besides Edito, Agenda and company list also an article about the upcoming fines, the annual report 2012 and an interview with a longtime hemp activist.
Of course you can always browse through our older editions and the wiki. If you would like to have the latest news sent to your home, then become a member, subscribe or make a donation. Only with many active members and enough funds we can keep up our activities - and expand them in the future to move more. Let's legalize it!
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 60now available for Issue 60 download, both as a whole and as individual articles in the Justice and Scene sections.
The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues. Meanwhile, a lot of information can also be found in the THC&Law section.
In the health magazine Puls (SF1, 11.2.13), an interesting report was broadcast with the title Cannabis as medicine: Effective, but hardly prescribed; the accompanying news page bears the headline Cannabis as medicine: Hardly controversial, hardly used.
Next Friday we will once again take care of our wiki. We haven't done this since November - so it's high time! An update of the dokuwiki is imminent and we also have to check the content from time to time, not to forget to keep the pending issues up to date - or even better to work them off.
…And we are still waiting for a sign of life from the Federal Parliament: Have the fines been forgotten? What is standing in the way of its enactment? We will keep you informed.
On Friday, research is on the agenda and also the Legalize it! No. 62 is slowly taking shape. However, we are still eagerly awaiting the entry into force of the fixed penalty regulation and thus the beginning of a new era in the punishment of THC users in Switzerland.
Next Friday we will first of all take care of the finances in the new year. In addition, throughout February we will be busy with the production of Legalize it! No. 62 will keep us busy during the whole month of February - the mailing is scheduled for March 8.
Last Friday we had our annual meeting. The room was well filled with ten participants and lots of smoke. The official part went over in record time - the procedure has also been long tested and refined over the years. So there was still enough time for current reports of some members and finally general discussions and chats. It was a really successful club evening!
Many thanks to the participants for their time and effort, especially Sven, who keeps everything under control and the overview - and that for almost 22 years!
On January 18, we will start the new year in the right way and prepare the association meeting on January 25. The figures for the annual accounts are already available, now we have to prepare the annual report.
With this we would have most of the ingredients for the official part of the AGM together.
There will certainly be enough time for questions and discussions - an important part of the evening, especially in a special year like this one.
We look forward to welcoming many members!
On January 17, the referendum deadline for the fixed penalty bill expires. Without a referendum, the law should therefore enter into force with the new wording in the near future, perhaps heralding a new era - on verra.
On January 22, a conference on “Cannabinoids in Medicine - An Option?” will be held at the Inselspital in Bern. The Swiss Working Group on Cannabinoids in Medicine (SACM), under the patronage of the Swiss Society and Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, among others, is in charge. It is likely to be very medically technical: German, French or English will be spoken, without translation; slides will be in English. Participation costs 100 francs, registration is required; program as PDF.
On January 23, activists from various legalization movements will meet in Zurich for a session. In addition to the activities in 2013, the main goal will probably be to reactivate the somewhat dormant and fragmented scene, to bundle forces and to create a stable basis for further actions.
Finally,on January 25, our annual association meeting will take place. Our members will find the invitation and agenda in the last Legalize it! (#61), which was sent out at the beginning of December.
You can find the 2012 posts here, and the current ones here.
Factsheet Association:
Board of Directors
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