You can find the 2011 posts here, and the current ones here.
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 59now available for Issue 59 download both as a whole and as individual articles in the culture and scene sections. Particularly recommendable is the detailed article on the topic Hemp based medicines.
The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues. Meanwhile, a lot of information can also be found in the THC&Law section.
And again a club year is coming to an end. It is time for our winter break, in which we recover before we start again in January. The agenda provides information about our program in 2013.
There will be no Friday meetings between now and January 18 and we will not be able to provide legal advice. We will check the combox from time to time, but are most likely to be reached by mail. The Board will use this time to clean up, close out the year, and otherwise stay on top of various small and larger pending items.
We will try to provide various information later: Two dates in January, the Legalize it! No. 59 as download, a report on the SHK meeting of 30.11. and also the end of the fairy tale with the four plants.
We wish you all restful winter days and a successful start into the new year!
Next Friday we will meet for the last time this year. Besides smaller things that should still be done, we will take it easy and say goodbye to the association year 2012 in a relaxed way.
The Legalize it! No. 61 is with the people this week - it contains an article about the “joint consumption” in Switzerland, a text about the future of our club resp. the Swiss hemp scene and finally the invitation to the AGM on January 25th.
Next Friday we will send out the Legalize it! No. 61. Helpers are especially welcome!
The last meeting this year will then take place on December 14.
On November 30, we offer space for a meeting of the Swiss Hemp Coordination (SHK). This gives not only the board the opportunity to meet other active people and exchange ideas. On the program was researching, but we will anyway be busy finishing the Legalize it! No. 61 will be busy.
Our meeting room is not huge - so it might be a bit cramped if the rush is too big. But we are looking forward to any visit: On the 23rd for the members meeting, on the 30th together with the SHK and then especially on the 7th of December when the mailing of the Legalize it! No. 61 is due…
On Friday, once again a members' meeting will take place. Already last Friday numerous members came by and there was a pleasant autumnal atmosphere - this may be repeated with pleasure! Maybe already on November 23? The last meeting of this year will take place on December 14.
Last night, not only the president and the parliament were elected in the USA, but also numerous bills were voted on in the individual states. In Colorado, Oregon and Washington (State) cannabis bills were put to the people - various media have reported (e.g.
In the state of Colorado, legal medical marijuana has been available since 2000. Now the possession, purchase and sale of up to one ounce (28g) of cannabis is legal, as long as it concerns adults over 21. The trade is to (continue to) be conducted through licensed stores. While consumption in private premises is legal, it remains prohibited in public. Adults can legally grow up to six plants at home(, english).
The bill in Oregon, which borders liberal California to the south, would have exempted hemp cultivation from licensing requirements and established a commission to regulate the commercial cultivation and sale of marijuana. In this way, the initiators wanted to generate millions in additional taxes and also massively reduce costs for (law enforcement) authorities. Unfortunately, the bill was rejected(, english).
Oregon is located on the west coast and the neighboring state to the north is Washington - meaning the state, not to be confused with the capital in “D.C.”. From Washington, which borders Canada in the north, there is again good news to report in terms of cannabis: As in Colorado, marijuana will become legal not only for medical use, but generally for adults over 21. The details are not known to me, but even a THC limit in the blood is to be set, under which users can legally participate in road traffic(, english).
But let's not forget that both of these successful bills are state-level laws. The all-American law, which is enforced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) and Customs, is still very strict. This means that a wide variety of conflicts are bound to arise, especially between local and national authorities - and in between, in the sandwich, are the “Stoners”…. We will report again.
On Friday we start the last weeks of the association year refreshed. First of all, the finances will be brought up to date - this will (unfortunately) not take too long. After that we will prepare a special mailing and finally the 61st issue of our magazine will be published in November - the mailing will take place on December 7th.
So there is never a dull moment with us! Your contribution will also help us to stay active on our topics.
|After an active September with CannaTrade, Legalize it! No. 60 and the final spurt of the order fine bill in parliament, we now treat ourselves to a three week break.
During this time there will be no Friday meetings and we are most likely to be reached by mail, the combox will be checked from time to time.
We will have some catching up to do and cleaning up to do before we start the final stretch of the year on November 2. You are welcome to support us - be it with a donation, a membership or your help.
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! This is Issue 58now available for Issue 58 download both as a whole and as individual articles in the areas of justice, scene and politics. The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues - a lot of information can be found in our THC-Wiki in the meantime.
On October 9, the revision of the Narcotics Law - i.e. the fixed penalty bill - was published in the Federal Gazette No. 41(text of the law as PDF). This marks the beginning of the referendum period, which lasts until January 17 (100 days).
At the moment it doesn't look like there will be a referendum - so the amended law could come into force as early as next year and we will finally see what happens - or not.
“We consider the fixed penalty procedure as the first step of putting cannabis on an equal footing with other psychotropic substances. The fine of 100 francs is only justified if the smoker or the user severely disturbs another uninvolved person. A prosecution by the police, however, is rejected. Cannabis users are considerate when living together with non-smokers.
50,000 convictions for cannabis use and preparatory acts are enforced in Switzerland every year. 5 million francs fines are compared to 500 million taxes, which we cannabis users would like to pay for healthy and clean products. We see the 100 francs fine as unjustified harassment for our enjoyment.
The situation has not improved since the 1975 prohibition of consumption. It seems arbitrary what penalties are enforced for what quantities. Too many people have already been victims of legal and police prosecution. We see the fine system as coercion.
We want to fight for our right to party. Legalize it !»
In the city parliaments of Basel and Zurich, the idea of pilot trials with the controlled sale of cannabis had arisen in 2010. After a long period of silence, it became known at the end of September that this project would not be approved by the FOPH and therefore cannot be realized for the time being. It is now to be clarified whether a national project, which would be more broadly supported, would have better chances of being approved. Even if it takes time - the hope for such pilot tests is still there… Links: / City Council ZH
Next Friday we will once again take care of our finances. We can hope for numerous bookings thanks to CannaTrade. This will also be the last Friday meeting before our fall break - from November 2nd we will be back in the office.
On September 28, the last day of the fall session, both the National Council and the Council of States gave their green light to the fixed penalty bill in their final votes. In the National Council it was 128 votes to 57 (2 Ent.) and in the Council of States 31 votes to 11 (3 Ent.). Official bulletins: NR / SR.
Such a clear result is a bit surprising, all too often we - who want to legalize hemp and THC - have already been disappointed by official Switzerland… We hope that this “old” revision (2004) is now on a good way - but we cannot be sure.
On the one hand, there could still be a referendum, which would mean, besides a delay, above all a referendum with an uncertain outcome, and on the other hand, no one can say with certainty today how this will really turn out with these fines in reality.
There are certainly advantages for both “sides”: no criminal proceedings and lower amounts for those fined and less effort, possibly also higher revenues for the authorities. However, various unpleasant developments are also conceivable, but we do not always want to assume the worst.
But even from a neutral point of view, what has already been true for all previous revisions and initiatives applies to the fixed penalty bill: A law or an ordinance, these are texts - what exactly happens when someone is taken out with ten grams of weed or is caught smoking a joint by the police, in Zurich or in the Upper Valais - that is open to speculation.
One thing is for sure (and one of the reasons why you can read this): It won't be legal! The weed, the joint will be taken away from you. With a lot of luck (and with smallest amounts) you will only be warned, with consumption there will probably be a fine and the possession of 10 grams should be exempt from punishment (NarcA Art. 19b Abs. 2 (neu): ”10 grams of a narcotic of the effect type cannabis are considered as a small amount.“). But nobody can guarantee that!
However, if the quantities are too large for personal consumption or if several people have worked together, if minors were present, if you are stupidly standing in a school area or if young people have plundered your garden - depending on the circumstances, it can become very unpleasant. So to speak, from impunity and fine, without contravention (which is most common nowadays), straight to misdemeanor (light/serious case). There will always remain numerous questions.
⇒ Your donation or assistance is important so that we can continue to work out and publish the best possible answers to the most diverse questions.
On Friday we will meet for the members meeting. We will certainly review the CannaTrade and talk about the Legalize it! No. 60 - both milestones for our association. But most of all we will discuss the outcome of the debate about the fines occupy us: Was the deal approved? Will there be a referendum? Or was it once again much ado about nothing and the only parliamentary idea around cannabis failed? …again!?
Either way, we are looking forward to a nice evening with interesting people and enriching conversations - legalize it!
On September 20, the National Council decided to go along with the proposal of the Council of States. With 102 to 71 votes, the 100 francs as the amount of the fines to be introduced were fines surprisingly clear. The second outstanding difference, the amount of the fine in the ordinary procedure, was also settled in the sense of the Council of States(Official Bulletin, NZZ, Tagi, SF).
But it is not over yet: The final vote will take place on the last day of the session, September 28. A lot can still happen! |
Flashback: On September 13, the National Council had once again voted in favor of a fine of 200 francs in the debate on the fixed penalty procedure by 94 to 84 votes and it seemed as if the back and forth about this and another difference to the Council of States (fine amount in the ordinary procedure) would not want to end any more… On September 18, the Council of States cut it short and stuck to its proposals of 100 francs fine and that a fine can also be levied in the ordinary procedure (Official Bulletin). |
Already on September 20, the National Council dealt with the issue again and although it took a little longer, the clarity of the vote was surprising (see above). What had happened? Some reasons: This time, the members of the BDP voted unanimously for the 100-francs-variant, various members of the CVP and FDP gave in and ten SVP members did not participate in the vote.
With the second difference, the fine in the ordinary criminal procedure, it was as close as possible (86 to 85): As president, Hansjörg Walter (SVP) had to make the casting vote with his vote; and since he was in favor of the proposal of the Council of States, the bill will thus come to the final vote on the last day of the session, September 28, according to the gusto of the Council of States (100 francs fine and also in the ordinary procedure a fine can be levied).
Who knows - maybe those National Council members who want to bring down fines just wanted to avoid a time-, money- and nerve-consuming stalemate situation in order to shoot down the deal in the final vote? In June 2004, such a bill was already brought to the floor, it was the “mother bill” to the fines (article in li#30). That deal was killed by the National Council…
We still hope for a victory of reason and will stay on the topic for you.
Last Thursday, the National Council once again dealt with the fixed penalty procedure. It was no surprise when the Council insisted on a fine of 200 francs(Official Bulletin, SF, Tagi, NZZ).
Now the business goes back to the Council of States, which has it already on Tuesday, September 18 on the program - we will report on it.
The CannaTrade is unfortunately already over again! It was three intense and interesting days in Dietikon. And see: The Swiss hemp scene still exists! Whether as visitors or exhibitors, except Bernard Rappaz almost all the usual suspects were seen at the CannaTrade!
Almost two and a half years had passed since the last fair - you could see it on the faces that this had been a (too) long break…
Since the hall was a bit smaller this time, there was another exhibition level in the basement. On display was everything that is still legal around hemp & THC: Grow accessories, paraphernalia, food, cosmetics, books, clothes, media, political and more. Hemp plants and “Sämli” were completely absent this time - they would have been illegal, since the revised NarcA came into force last year.
Behind the hall were various food stalls and tables and benches were set up, inviting people to linger. The mixture could not have been more dreamlike: The sun was shining, trees provided pleasant shade, music could be heard and spicy clouds of smoke drifted over the heads of the motley crowd. Liquid was refueled and culinary delights were enjoyed - so the hours passed all too quickly.
It was probably one of the last summery weekends of 2012 and I am glad and grateful to have been there. A big thank you goes to the organizers of the fair for their important work. Many thanks also to the helpers around Legalize it! - without you it would not have been possible! If the weekend was also worthwhile for the organizers - and the visitor numbers let us hope so - we can perhaps soon look forward to another CannaTrade in 2013.
On Friday we will send out the 60th issue of our magazine. Legalize it! We are looking forward to the visit of helpers and especially to new members, which we were able to accept into the association last weekend at the CannaTrade.
Welcome to Legalize it! and thank you for your support!
For over 15 years now we publish information about THC in the areas of politics, justice, culture and scene. Unfortunately, our goal of complete legalization is still far from being achieved. So we will continue to work for a more sensible way of dealing with hemp in general and THC products in particular, rather than bans and repression. The fact that these cause most of the problems in the first place, bring high costs to the general public and only benefit a few, has been clear to the users for a long time. Why this doesn't make sense to more people with half a common sense remains a mystery that needs to be solved during the next legalization push.
Those who still believe that the criminalization of users would result in anything meaningful are more and more like cult members who refuse to face reality until they live in their own.
In reality, reality is quite different - let's legalize it!
The international hemp trade fair “CannaTrade” will pitch its tents this year from September 7 to 9 in the Stadthalle Dietikon. It will be the eleventh edition of this unique hemp fair: The first years in Bern, it took place in 2009 and 2010 in Basel and then unfortunately dropped out in 2011. For the first time this year, the fair will not take place in spring, but in late summer or early autumn.
We from Legalize it! can be found at booth no. 60 in the basement and would be happy about your visit!
In order to make our appearance at the CannaTrade as good as possible, we have scheduled Friday, August 31 in the agenda for the preparations. If you want to support us, you can mail us or come by spontaneously. We are already looking forward to three beautiful and hempy days in September!
The program of the National Council for the upcoming fall session has been published(PDF). Now it is also clear when it will continue with the fixed penalty model(04.439): The Council will try to settle its differences with the Council of States on the morning of September 13. We are once again curious about the outcome and will report on it.
Not only we at Legalize it! have been dealing with the topic of THC and its legalization for quite some time: In the Beobachter 16/12 you can read an interesting interview with the physician François van der Linde. He advised the Federal Council on drug issues for 30 years and takes a remarkable position: ”Consuming drugs should be exempt from punishment“.
Now the big Legalize it! summer break. During this time we do not hold any board meetings or member events on Fridays and we do not give any information by phone. However, we can be reached by mail from time to time.
A special mailing is on its way to give us information about possible pledges in the form of donations or activities (assistance, articles, etc.). The board will evaluate the feedback and the results will then certainly influence the further procedure from 2013.
As of August 24, we will be available again as usual.
We wish everyone a great summer season!
The National Council's Health Commission(SGK-N) has once again dealt with the fixed penalty procedure (04.439)(media release, scroll down). There are still two differences (PDF): the amount of the fine (100 or 200 francs) and the fine or its amount in the ordinary procedure.
The National Council will hopefully be able to settle the business in the autumn session (September 10 - 28). We will report on this.
Interesting article on, especially the sentence “New will remain completely unpunished
, so also will not receive fine, who buys or carries
up to 10 grams of cannabis. ” Head of investigation of the Zurich city police: "Potheads are not our main problem".
The international hemp trade fair “CannaTrade” will pitch its tents this year from September 7 to 9 at the Stadthalle Dietikon. It will be the eleventh edition of this unique hemp fair: The first years in Bern, it took place in 2009 and 2010 in Basel and then unfortunately dropped out in 2011. For the first time, this year the fair will not take place in spring, but in late summer or early autumn.
In order to make our appearance at the fair as good as possible, we have scheduled Friday, August 31 in the agenda for the preparations. If you want to support us, you can mail us or come by spontaneously. We are already looking forward to three beautiful and hanfige days in September!
Next Friday there is already another half-yearly closing on the program - how time flies…
Moreover, this will be the last Friday meeting before the long summer break.
To prepare our appearance at CannaTrade, we have scheduled two Fridays in the agenda: June 22 and August 31. If you want to support us, you can email us or come by spontaneously. We are already looking forward to three beautiful and hempy days in September!
The National Council will not deal with the issue again until the fall session starting September 10 at the earliest. fines deal with the issue. However, the business does not rest completely: It became known that the responsible National Council commission(SGK-N) will deal with the topic on June 28 - and hopefully contribute to a speedy resolution of differences in the fall.
Next Friday we will once again take care of our wiki or the numerous pending issues.
As a reminder, the first of two CannaTrade preparation evenings will be held on June 22. For those interested in helping at CannaTrade, this would be a good opportunity to learn more about the people, the association and our appearance this year. |
Unfortunately, the National Council did not deal with the fixed penalty procedure today. It is to be hoped that it will do so in the short time until the end of the session on Friday, June 15.
But probably it will be the same as always in the Swiss cannabis policy: First, it will take longer and second, it will take longer than expected… and it remains to be seen if something useful will come out of it.
The Legalize it! No. 59 is on its way and will reach the readers in the middle of the week. Thanks to the numerous helpers we made good progress last Friday, merci!
Next Friday we will get back to our pending tasks and clean up a bit more.
The Council of States debated the fixed penalty procedure on Monday(Minutes,, Tagesschau SF). The ladies and gentlemen followed the proposal of their commission and decided on a fine amount of 100 francs.
So the National Council will have to settle the differences with the Council of States on June 12. Meanwhile, the main point of contention is the amount of the fine (100 or 200 francs). In addition, the hardliners try to present the “small amount” of 10 grams as a danger (100 joints!).
This is another ridiculous attempt to torpedo the fines. But what's worse is that these people are serious, and their council colleagues don't understand enough about the subject (or can't admit it) to refute these confused notions.
For now, the 10 grams remain untouched, but it is to be hoped that the hardliners in the National Council will not continue to spin the abstruse ideas of their “Gspänli”. We will report again next week.
Next Friday we will send the 59th issue of our magazine Legalize it! Helpers are always especially welcome!
On May 22, the Commission for Social Security and Health of the Council of States(SGK-S) issued a media release. In it, the proposals on the fixed penalty procedure(04.349) are also listed.
The commission has built a difference with the National Council on some points: The fine amount is to be set at 100 francs (National Council: 200 francs). In addition, the police should be given more leeway and also be able to refrain from a fine at times. If no fine is possible - i.e. if there are ordinary criminal proceedings - the minimum penalty should not be prescribed by law.
So far, so good. On June 4, the Council of States will deal with the issue and on June 12, the National Council will have to resolve any differences. It will be interesting to see on which points the hardliners in the National Council will achieve a majority. As long as a clear majority of the FDP and even a narrow majority of the CVP vote with the SVP for the more restrictive variants, there will be no liberal solutions. What a pity, because the Vischer proposal (50 francs) has been a reality in the canton of St. Gallen for years - but unfortunately this does not seem to get through to the majority of the National Council…
On Tuesday, May 22, the Council of States Commission for Social Security and Health(SGK-S) will issue a media release, according to Thereby, the fixed penalty procedure(04.349) is also on the list of topics. It is to be hoped that the commission has made its recommendations to the Council of States and that the latter will deal with the matter on June 4, so that it can proceed quickly…
Because, as I said, the fixed penalty procedure is the only reasonably intelligent idea in THC policy in recent years - apart, of course, from the burgeoning medical hemp story, which is, however, reserved for the seriously ill. For all other users, the fines could on the one hand already mean a somewhat gentler repression. On the other hand, there are already fears that the fines - because it is less bureaucratic and therefore faster to process - could quickly become a welcome source of revenue for the state… We will continue to report.
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 57now available for Issue 57 download, both as a whole and as individual articles (in the Justice and Scene sections). The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues - a lot of information can be found in our THC-Wiki in the meantime.
Next Friday we will again devote ourselves to Legalize it! and the other numerous pending items. Last week we updated the finances and continued the agenda, but there was not enough time for the special mailing.
Instead, the Legalize it! No. 59 is in the making: It will contain an in-depth article on cannabis medicines in Switzerland and a report on the Plenty vaporizer. The publication is planned for the beginning of June.
Interesting article, found on Cannabis, a medicine with political side effects
The international hemp trade fair “CannaTrade” will pitch its tents this year from September 7 to 9 at the Stadthalle Dietikon. It will be the eleventh edition of this unique hemp fair: The first years in Bern, it took place in 2009 and 2010 in Basel and then unfortunately dropped out in 2011. For the first time this year, the fair will not take place in spring, but in late summer or early autumn.
In order to prepare our appearance at the CannaTrade, we have scheduled two Fridays in the agenda: June 22 and August 31. If you want to support us, you can mail us or come by spontaneously. We are already looking forward to three beautiful and hempy days in September!
Last Friday the club activities started again after the spring break. So next Friday we will bring the finances à jour and maybe do a special mailing. Our agenda will be updated soon and the dates will be continued until the end of the year.
From April 6 to and including April 20, our office will not be staffed and we will check the combox only sporadically - the best way to reach us is by mail.
On April 27, we will return to the usual club activities with a members' meeting.
We wish you all nice spring days and a successful start into the new season
I guess it was just too nice weather for the members meeting last Friday…. Next Friday, the Board will take care of the first quarter's finances. This will be the last Friday night before our three week spring break!
There will be another members' meeting on Friday, see agenda. The debate of the National Council will perhaps be discussed again. Besides the spring-like weather and the start of the season, we will not run out of other topics so quickly - however, at a members' meeting we are also allowed to chill a bit more…
Last week we stayed on several topics during the wiki meeting: There is little news about “Hemp as Medicine”, the statistics of cigarette paper imports have to be analyzed first and the wiki should get an export function. We are curious about that!
On Friday we dedicate ourselves to the wiki again. Since we are taking a break in April, this is the last wiki evening until mid-May - how time flies… Our pending issues will not disappear so quickly, so we have to stay tuned - maybe with your support?
Last Friday, the board was once again among themselves and pondered the national council debate in particular and the cannapolitical events of the last years in general. We came to the conclusion - also not for the first time in the 20 years of our activities - that the whole thing is quite bizarre: It takes years, almost decades, until a deal is concluded and up to now there has always been politics past the THC reality. So we are confronted with laws that are of no use to anyone, certainly not to the users: Whether you have to pay 200 for a fine or 200 to 300 francs for a report, it really doesn't change the fact that THC users in Switzerland have been criminalized and thus discriminated against for over 60 years and will continue to be so in the future. Therefore: legalize it!
As announced, the National Council dealt with the fixed penalty procedure(04.439) last Wednesday (details in the official bulletin). However, many consumers can hardly listen to the speeches of the cannabis opponents - at first they mostly seem ridiculous, which can make you smile. But then one realizes that the hardliners are seriously shouting their unrealistic repression slogans - probably with the feeling that they are fighting for a good cause, protecting the youth… and that makes you stop laughing quite quickly.
But back to the debate: The parliamentarians followed the proposal of the National Council's Health Commission (SGK-N) in all but one point. The key points of this proposal were: from 18 years, under 10 grams, 100 francs fine . The mentioned exception is the decided fine amount of 200 francs. This minority motion from the ranks of the SVP unfortunately came through narrowly (86 to 83 votes, with 2 abstentions). The proposal Vischer (50 francs fine) had no chance (82 to 31 votes, with 41 abstentions). However, the business is not yet too far advanced and - apart from a possible referendum - still has to clear various hurdles before it can enter into force at some point.
In general, the sense and nonsense of this mini partial revision can be discussed: There are still numerous unclear points or they do not make sense (yet?) and whether the implementation in (police) practice will bring the desired result is still in the stars anyway. Next, the Council of States or its health committee will deal with the business. As mentioned in various media reports (see below), it is to be hoped that the text will be tinkered with again and one or the other ambiguity or nonsense can be corrected. On the one hand it is a bit frustrating if this business is the only hope for a better solution in the cannabis sector for the next years, on the other hand “it” was never really legal and so the users have organized themselves.
Even if the THC opponents still don't want to admit it: Cannabis is not the killer weed they have been making it out to be for over 60 years. Also in the future, hemp plants in Switzerland will grow to full bloom and there will be numerous people who like to consume THC products without a bad conscience - that there are good reasons for such actions, I do not need to mention here, especially since it would go beyond the scope of this article…
Some media reports: Fines instead of criminal charges for stoners? (10vor10, 6.3.), New cannabis regulation (Tagesschau), Fines for cannabis use (10vor10), Stoners can expect a fine instead of criminal charges (, Sweet scent - sharp debate (, Commentary: Paradoxical effect (, Busse statt Anzeige für Kiffer (, Cannabis use: Potheads can expect a fine instead of criminal charges (, Unsatisfactory result: fine instead of criminal charges for potheads (
Next Friday is again scheduled for research. We will probably come back to the debate of the National Council about the fixed penalty procedure. We are curious and would be pleased if members participate in the discussion.
Last Friday, with the help of two active members, we were able to pack the freshly printed copies of Legalize it! No. 58 quickly. By now, they should be on their way to reach the readers by mid-week.
☛ Special thanks to Sven for his Saturday morning effort!
According to the program, the National Council will debate the fixed penalty procedure(04.439) on Wednesday, March 7. Probably in the afternoon, the proposal of the commission and the various minority motions (PDF) will be discussed for the first time.
If you catch the right moment, you can follow the proceedings live - or read about them later in the official bulletin.
Next Friday will be the first shipment of this year: The Legalize it! No. 58 will be sent out. It contains - besides our topics 2012 and the program of the Friday evenings - the fourth and last part of the series “The ordeal of Bernard Rappaz”, an article about urine samples in prison and finally the minutes of the association meeting 2012 with the annual report and the account 2011. Helpers are as always very welcome!
Last Friday, the first members' meeting of this year took place in a small setting. We were able to get some things done and discussed - besides the casual get-together planned for these Fridays….
The international hemp trade fair “CannaTrade” will pitch its tents this year from September 7 to 9 in the Stadthalle Dietikon. It will be the eleventh edition of this unique hemp fair: The first years in Bern, it took place in 2009 and 2010 in Basel and then unfortunately dropped out in 2011. For the first time this year the fair will not take place in spring, but in late summer or early autumn. It is still a bit early for details - we will first plan our activities before we call for help. But we are already looking forward to three beautiful and hanfige days in September!
Next Friday, for the first time this year, a “members' meeting” is on the agenda. At the members' meetings there is no set theme - but this does not mean that we will be bored, because in addition to the social gathering, there is always this and that to be done: The magazine Legalize it! No. 58 is in the final stage and besides planning the printing, maybe one or two mistakes can still be found and corrected.
If someone would like to organize a theme evening (lecture, workshop, etc.) at a future members' meeting, the association can gladly provide resources (room, material, etc.) after consultation.
There is not much to report about last Friday's wiki meeting. Since we are in a production month of the magazine Legalize it!, there is not much time left for the wiki at the moment. At least the wiki engine (DokuWiki), so to say the vessel in which our texts, PDFs and images are located, has been updated to the latest version and what is not at all self-evident in IT: everything seems to work!
For the first time this year, we turn to the wiki - certainly not the last time!
In the meantime, our wiki has grown into such a complex entity that there are always new little things to improve or add, in addition to the numerous pending issues. Furthermore, the OpenSource community offers various add-ons to DokuWiki, which we use (plugins & templates).
To make the best out of our project, we have to keep at it: The needs and wishes have to be recorded, the most suitable tools have to be found and their technical embedding has to be clarified.
Although the THC-Wiki has long since outgrown its infancy, we will still have to feed and maintain it regularly in the future. Especially in today's multimedia age, it is an important project that we would like to keep going - perhaps with your donation or help? We would be happy!
The first official research evening took place last Friday on a small scale. The board was among themselves and could not research big new stories, but could clarify some questions: On the one hand, the National Council seems to be debating fines on March 7 - hopefully it will finally take a step forward! On the other hand, we took a closer look at a fairy tale story (Western Switzerland to legally grow four plants from 2012) - a sad example of politicians solving problems where they are not; of journalists (most of them) not understanding what politicians are doing (who would be surprised) and finally of the spreading of half-truths over the internet (news sites, forums and blogs). We will report on this.
For the first time, “Researching” is officially on the program. These Fridays are intended for researching for articles in Legalize it! and/or Wiki pages, e.g. by following up or working through items on our list of topics.
On these Fridays we will also find time to update ourselves on the latest THC-reality: News from politics, medicine, justice etc. will be collected, read and have to be judged - discussions are welcome.
The Legalize it! No. 58 is already available in the shell, so we will use the remaining time for corrections, among other things, in order to be able to realize the planned printing at the end of February.
We have pdf'd another issue of our magazine Legalize it! It is Issue 56now available for Issue 56 download, both as a whole and as individual articles (in the Justice and Scene sections). The current issues are still reserved for our members. If you are interested, you are welcome to order a paper copy for free - or just browse through the older issues - a lot of information can be found in our THC-Wiki in the meantime.
Next Friday, we will again focus on the finances and the first weeks of the new year. Surely the VV, the pending issues and other topics will also come up.
The association meeting 2012 went last Friday in a small circle and without any special events: The annual report and the invoice 2011 were approved and the board was granted the Décharge. Afterwards Sven and Fabian were confirmed as board members for another year. We are looking forward to a hopefully successful year!
Next Friday, January 27, will be held our association meeting 2012. In the Legalize it! No. 57 of December 2011 we have printed on page 3 the detailed invitation with the agenda.
The board of directors cordially invites the members to review the association year 2011, to approve the accounts and to elect the board of directors for another year.
Of course, interested non-members are welcome to join us - but they do not have the right to vote at the AGM. If you are interested in our activities, there will be several member meetings in 2012, where you can get to know our association and the people who make everything possible.
You can find the 2011 posts here, and the current ones here.
Factsheet Association:
Board of Directors
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