The fixed penalties in parliamentary consultation

Summer 2012: The fixed penalty bill is now entering the final parliamentary phase. In March 2012, the National Council discussed the fixed penalty model and decided that the amount of the fine should be 200 francs. The National Council has now decided on the final stage of the bill. This has resulted in a high punishment. At the same time, the St. Gallen model with 50 francs has been working for more than ten years…. But just: It was a victory for the hardliners in the Council. Now the Council of States follows, which could still correct this decision. On June 4, the discussion will take place there. The commission of the Council of States has built up several differences to the National Council on May 21 and decided, among other things, for 100 francs. If the Council of States sticks with it, the National Council will deal with these differences on June 12.

Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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