Even though the penalty below was created on April 1, 2004: It is not a joke. Valais has been known for a long time as a very repressive region, but this penalty beats everything. The woman in question was caught by the police with a gram of weed, and admitted to spending about 20 francs on its consumption over a period of four months. She had never sold anything before, but she gives to others free of charge. She had never dealt with the police before - so this was her first time. For this ridiculously minor illegal activity, she has now been punished with three days in jail, conditionally for two years. And on top of that she has to pay 301.20 francs expenses. All this because of a gram and the admission of occasional consumption, purchase and gratuitous distribution. Here we see clearly what a malicious judge can do with the current narcotics law if he wants to. The mere consumption (without possession, purchase, transfer, etc.) can already be punished with imprisonment. This is what the law says.
We can only keep pointing this out: Silence is usually the best thing you can do when questioned by the police. Anything you admit can (and will, if they feel like it) be used against you. Anything they find will speak against you. But so will anything they don't find but you confess to them. Your signature on the police interrogation report is essential. You don't have to incriminate yourself, but if you do, it can be used against you. You should never underestimate the narcotics law. It is a very harsh law!
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