Nine different varieties, five weed and four hash varieties, are currently available in the Züri Can pilot project. As of May 2024, we have sold over nine kilograms to “our” study participants. We now present the strains in more detail.
In the winter, we reported on the first delivery of goods and the start of sales as well as numerous problems with the various IT systems. Since then, things have settled down and we have had time to research the available products.
In this article, we now want to take a closer look at the product range.
At the beginning of the pilot project, the range was limited: Flowers were only available from SwissExtract, hashish was only available from Pure. This was due to the fact that Pure's first flower harvest had been velvetized, which is why it was not put on sale – but was processed into hashish. The other producer, SwissExtract, on the other hand, was able to supply excellent flowers, but needed more time to process the flowers into hashish, which was more time-consuming.
“Lemon Resin”: hemp coins from Pure
Although Pure was able to supply its hashish products right from the start, the participants in the study were very surprised after their first purchase: “That's not hash at all, is it?” many of them said. More precisely, it was about the consistency: Pure had processed the flowers into “pressed pollen” talers (see picture below) and left quite a lot of plant material, which in turn was necessary to comply with the legal limit of 20 % THC content (BetmPV Art. 9).
“Jura Gold” hashish from SwissExtract
At the end of December 2023, the first hash from SwissExtract finally arrived, namely “Jura Gold”. It had the consistency expected by our participants: Jura Gold can be formed into small balls with the fingers without crumbling into dust. Our hash fans also liked the taste and effect of Jura Gold – “a decent hash”, someone reported.
A “Cairo Dessert” plant in SwissExtract's outdoor greenhouse (August 2023), below pictures of the finished product
The sativa-dominant hybrid variety “Cairo Dessert” is advertised by the producer SwissExtract as fruity, flowery and spicy, which I think is an understatement. I would say: Cairo Dessert is an absolute flavor bomb! I mean that on all levels: At vaporize, there is flavor for many puffs – much more than with other strains – and when you open a jar of Cairo Dessert, an intense but pleasant smell immediately wafts into your nose. Even long-time cannabis lovers in my environment were enthusiastic and said: “Wow, finally weed like before!” In terms of THC content, Cairo Dessert is in the mid-range: it contains around 10 % THC, sometimes a little more (over 12 %) or a little less (9.5 %) depending on the batch. Interestingly, this apparently has no influence on the flash, which is pleasant, but still very pronounced and noticeable. Some people report that the batch with a low THC content is just as strong, but the high doesn't last as long. I would describe the effect as stimulating and activating, just as sativa users would like.
What could be better than a plentiful supply of good flowers?
While Cairo Dessert is a sativa-dominant hybrid, Wedding Cake is an indica-dominant hybrid. I generally believe the division into indica and sativa only in broad strokes, but the rule of thumb that a sativa generally cheers you up, while an indica tends to put you on the couch, seems to apply here.
Wedding Cake is just the thing for a cozy TV evening or a stoner rock concert where you want to block out everything else. I find the smell and taste of Wedding Cake to be clearly perceptible, with a hint of hay or grass. The taste can't compete with Cairo Dessert in terms of intensity, but I like it much better than the other varieties.
Secured cannabis field for “Jura Gold” production (2023)
Most THC-containing products on the market still have hardly any CBD and are usually very potent. That's why I often mix legal CBD-weed with a quarter to half THC-weed for everyday use. The product range of the Zurich Cannabis Study now allows me to consume a weed with a balanced THC/CBD ratio – without mixing. I was hoping to finally get the authentic taste of a strain with a moderate effect.
“Sour Diesel” should fulfill exactly this with a low potency of 4.7 % THC to 8.6 % CBD. However, when vaporized in a vaporizer, the taste of the product is a disappointment. It can be described as stale and indefinable and after a few puffs the taste is already gone. The flowers are very airy and too dry.
The effect is all the more surprising. Despite the low THC content, it hits well – with an energizing, euphoric high. Even if it doesn't have much to offer in terms of taste, I like this strain for its effect. I simply mix in a good CBD-weed and have something nice for the day. Incidentally, the manufacturer has promised to do better and will be launching a revised version of the product in the future.
I agree 100% with Michael's experience report in terms of quality, effect and taste perception! But that's not a given: in personal discussions with our participants and in our survey on product quality, we see that taste is very individual. Even for products that sell extremely poorly, such as the “Lemon Resin” or “Sour Pollen” hash thalers, there are still a few enthusiasts. Products that some describe as “not strong enough”, others find just right because of their mildness.
My absolute favorite is definitely Cairo Dessert! The taste explosion was a revelation – the effect was pleasant and definitely more of an activating high.
The choice of many CBD-containing cannabis products makes me critical, although the risk-reducing effect of the CBD components is certainly undisputed. However, the preferences of different members are better catered for by leaving the addition of CBD to the consumers. My conclusion: If the range were larger and the purchase limit higher, I could finally do without the black market! If Cairo Dessert didn't exist, however, I would have no need for study THC.
I think the range should be structured as follows (whereby the CBD content should be max. 1% for flowers and max. 5% for hash):
The project should also include:
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