Legalize cannabis: Yes or No? (Radio SRF1,
A new attempt for legal smoking (
Smoking pot legally? Supporters launch new initiative (
New popular initiative launched to legalize cannabis (
"Legalize it" tries it again - new popular initiative aims to legalize smoking pot (
Legal to smoke pot? Supporters launch new initiative (
A new attempt for legal smoking (
Why have we still not legalized smoking pot in Switzerland? (
en français:
Vers une nouvelle initiative réclamant la légalisation du cannabis (
Initiative lancée pour dépénaliser le cannabis (
Legalization in Switzerland (Switzerland on Sunday)
When will cannabis be legalized in Switzerland? (
Is the cannabis revolution coming to the USA? (
La nouvelle vie du cannabis(Le Matin)
Buggy's fate is shared by thousands of Swiss stoners(20 minutes)
"Stoners should leave driving altogether" (
Shit happens - but you can still prevent it (Tagesanzeiger)
For stoners a confession becomes expensive (
A confession can be expensive for stoners(20 minutes)
Stoned anyway (
Stoner friends are planning a new hemp initiative (
"Legalize it!" Private association plans popular initiative for cannabis legalization (
"There is no reason to criminalize stoners" (
New hemp initiative: smoking pot should be exempt from punishment(20min)
"Legalize it!": Private association plans popular initiative for legal smoking pot from 18 years (
"Legalize it!": Private association plans popular initiative for legal smoking pot from 18 years (
"Legalize it!": Private association plans popular initiative for legal smoking from 18 years (
Stoner friends plan a new hemp initiative (
Smoking pot is stuffy, so stoners would have to be against cannabis legalization (
According to the statistics plugin, the following happened on our wiki during the week of April 18-24:
17'183 | Page views (Wiki) |
10'955 | Visits (meetings) |
8'906 | Individual visitors |
9'280 | Calls initiative page |
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Thanks for your interest!
Study is a drop in the bucket (
2016 will be a fateful year for hemp policy (Basler Zeitung)
Now it's the turn of the stoners again: Federal Bern decides on tougher penalties (
Stoners are to be criminalized again (
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