Hemp seizures in 2014

Joints are meticulously counted, grams and kilos are weighed, plants are destroyed - an incredible effort for the attempt to stop hemp consumption in Switzerland. Other states count the new tax revenues from the legal hemp business….

Seized joints, 2009 to 2014

Here we summarize the following categories: Joints/cans from hemp (plants fresh), hemp (plants dried), marijuana, hashish and -oil. The majority of the seized joints are weed joints (3,531), hashish joints were seized only 129. This means that only 3.5% percent were filled with hashish. It remains unclear whether all seized joints really appear in these statistics, the counting method of the different cantons is different (which is generally a problem of the statistics and has not improved since the adoption of the figures by the Federal Statistical Office). Above all, it is not clear whether joints that are punished in the fixed penalties procedure (possible since October 2013) also appear here.

Seized plants, 2009 to 2014

Here we summarize the following categories: Number of plants from hemp (plant fresh), hemp (plant dried) and marijuana. The fresh plants make up the bulk: 37'268 plants were seized while still wet, dried ones 2'756 were seized. In the case of the plants in the marijuana category (5,596), it is unclear whether they are still fresh or already dried. In 2009, there was still a category “hemp (young plant)”. There again 25'590 plants were listed. But this category has disappeared again at the BfS. In the graph, we have now included this as well. Instead of differentiating between wet and dry, it would be more exciting if indoor and outdoor were shown.


Hash seized, 2009 to 2014

Here we summarize the following categories: Hashish (weighed, without joints and cans) and hashish oil (weighed and in milliliters; we assume one gram per milliliter - however, the quantities in milliliters are small for hashish oil). After the quantities have continued to decrease during the last years, an increase to 150 kilograms has been recorded again since 2013. Compared to the amount of grass (see right), however, hash only accounts for about one-twentieth. Hash was on its own until the 1990s, with hardly any seizures from weed until 1995. Hash shows a few hundred kilograms seized every year, already since 2002 it did not exceed one ton. 2012 was the lowest point so far, with around 100 kilograms.

Confiscated weed, 2009 to 2014

Here we summarize the following categories: Weighed hemp herb from the areas of hemp (plant fresh), hemp (plant dried) and marijuana. In 2014, weed seizures again went up: about 3,500 kilograms of weed were seized. Of this, marijuana seized accounts for 1,998 kilograms, dried hemp plants 660 kilograms and fresh plants 851 kilograms. weed has clearly dominated since 1996. Around the turn of the millennium, up to 20,000 kilograms per year were still seized, but since 2004 the quantities have remained below 5,000 kilograms. The low point was also reached in 2012. Unfortunately, the shift from outdoor to indoor grass cannot be seen in the statistics, these categories do not exist.



Swiss Federal Statistical Office BfS, Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik PKS, annual reports 2009 to 2014 (2009 BfS (with young plants), 2010 to 2014 PKS). Summary of categories and graphical representation by us. The official statistics list many categories (which have been reduced in addition), which we summarize here in hash (hashish and hashish oil) and weed (hemp plants fresh, dried and marijuana). Details at each topic in italics. Neither the collection of the data by the police forces, nor the presentation of the figures by the BfS are convincing, but they give an impression of the size of the repression.

Last modified: 2024/03/27 08:56

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