
house search

This invasion of privacy by the authorities is always unpleasant. If there is suspicion of consumption, there should be no house search, but if there is suspicion of distribution, there should be. However, there is a great deal of discretion here - and if a house search investigation on suspicion of trafficking reveals only consumption activities, then there will be a fine for that.

House search warrant

Below are three examples of a search warrant. The police need this to search a home or other private premises. If a contravention is suspected, a house search is rarely done. Suspicion of a misdemeanor, on the other hand, can quickly lead to a house search because the responsible prosecutor orders it. Already ordering some hemp seeds can be sufficient for this. Without a search warrant, the police may only enter homes if there is „imminent danger“. This vague term thus leaves a kind of back door open to the police.


House search protocol

The police should issue a receipt for the seized, confiscated items. For whether these are illegal and will definitely be confiscated and destroyed, or whether what has been seized must be returned, can only be decided by the judiciary.

Protocols on house searches can look like this:

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